Minsk, Belarus.

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Shopping in Minsk

Minsk is a nice city for shopping. Of course it doesn’t offer such a range of goods as major Russian cities like Moscow or St Petersburg and it doesn’t have all the chain stores that is likely to be found else where in Europe, but on the other hand Minsk offers nice places that you won’t find anywhere else. There is two big stores on the city’s main street Prospekt Nezavisimosti and not far away from the main street there is the Dinamo market.

TSUM one of the biggest shopping mals in Belarus.
TSUM - Tsentralnij Univermag sells most kind of goods. Minsk.

Where to shop?

Main street Prospekt Nezavisimosti
The biggest range of shops are to be found along the central parts of the main street Prospekt Nezavisimosti, from the central station and 4 kilometers northeast. On this part of the main street one may find big stores like GUM (Prospekt Nezavisimosti 21) and Tsum (Prospekt Nezavisimosti 54). Both stores offer a wide variety of goods, everything from clothes to radio and TV. Looking for a digital watch “made in Belarus” by Elektronika? Then GUM is the right place. Elektronika watches is a must for the collector or those who likes kitch. GUM also offers some nice “soviet style” radios.

Dom Mod. Photo: Anders Thorsell, FFAgency.
Dom Mod. Photo: Anders Thorsell, FFAgency.

In the city center one should also visit the Dinamo stadium where the Dinamo market is located. This is a nice place for strolling around market stalls. Most kind of goods may be found in the market. On Ulitsa Very Horuzhej 8 is the Komarovskij rynok, a big market hall where meat, vegetables, dairy products and other provisions are on offer. Outside the Komarovskij rynok there is also a big shopping mall with hundreds of smaller offering the latest fashion.

 Komarovskij rynok.
Komarovskij market. Minsk.

 Dynamo rynok in Minsk.
Dynamo market in Minsk, Belarus.

Books are really cheap in Belarus. The TSKM bookstore on Prospekt Nezavisimosti should be of interest for those who is interested in books. Most books sold are in Russian language, but there is also books abotu Minsk and Belarus in english and there is a lot of dictionaries on offer. Another good bookstore is Mir Knigi na Janki Kupaly 27.

Souvenirs like Russian dolls, hand painted boxes and more may be found in GUM or Tsum mentioned above. There is also som souvenir shops on the main street Prospekt Nezavisimosti.

GUM - Gosudarstvenij Univermag, Minsk.

Shopping adressess
GUM , Prpspekt Nezavisimosti 21, Metro: Oktybarskaya/Kupalovskaya
TSUM , Prospekt Nezavisimosti 54, Metro: Oktybarskaya/Kupalovskaya
Na Nemige, , Nemiga 8, Metro: Nemiga/Frunzenskaya
Tsentralnij Knizhny Magazin , Prospekt Nezavisimosti, Metro: Oktybarskaya/Kupalovskaya
Mir Knigi , Janky Kupaly 27, Metro: Nemiga
Komarovskij Rinok , Ulitsa Very Horuzhej 8

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